the St mary magdalen school of theology is  a network of women and men who read, pray, and teach the Christian faith. 

Love Makes No Sense: An Invitation to Christian Theology

Love Makes No Sense: An Invitation to Christian Theology

The St Mary Magdalen School of Theology’s first book—Love Makes No Sense: An Invitation to Christian Theology is now out with SCM Press. +Rowan Williams very kindly gave the following endorsement:

This book is like the very best kind of guidebook to a great city you’ve not visited before – or perhaps have visited and largely forgotten.  It takes little for granted, it clearly and vividly maps the territory, and it whets the appetite to spend time looking, learning and absorbing the riches around you.  A really first class introduction to the ‘new city’ of classical Christian faith and practice.

With the book’s release, Fr Jarred Mercer was recently asked to provide some background to the impetus behind the book’s coming together, which also gives a good sense of what the School more broadly is about. Instead of our usual programming, then, here’s a link to Fr Jarred’s piece on the SCM Press blog:

It would be remiss of me to fail to mention that you can buy the book now in all the usual places. We would be specially pleased if you visited your local independent bookshops. This might help you find the one closest to you:

George Herbert: Priest and Poet

George Herbert: Priest and Poet

St Valentine: Highly Dubious

St Valentine: Highly Dubious